波士頓北廣東餐舘誠徵帶位,酒吧及廚師,須報稅,有意者請text或message 接洽.
中餐馆诚请熟手长工和短工炒锅各一名,离唐人街10分钟车程,一天工资250,餐馆 9:00下班。昆市和唐人街有车接送,意者请电:617-775-5768。
昆西Wollaston 接送诚聘油锅师傅一名,包外卖一名,工作环境好,待遇优, 需报税,有意者联系电话:508-212-7955。
麻洲北中日馆离唐人街25分钟请孰手企枱,油锅师傅一名 和 炒锅一名 需报税 Quincy + 唐人街 有 接送 有意请电:978-655-7220
Lowell 中日餐诚请寿司师傅和油锅师傳,意者请电:9175368557
Lowell Chinese Japanese Restaurant is sincerely seeking sushi master and wok chef to join our team. Interested candidate please contact: 917-536-8557. Thanks!
Lexington 中餐馆诚请周末part-time企枱(周五周六晚上、周日上午),略懂酒水,对人热情,生手可以培训。有意者请电:978-273-0009 Frances
Lexington Chinese restaurant is looking for a part-time waiter/waitress to work at Friday evenings and weekend hours. Some knowledge about wines and drinks is preferred. Energetic and friendly. Training is provided. Interested candidate please contact: 978-273-0009 Frances
Brookline 中日歺馆,诚请一名企枱和前台,均需有经验和报税!联系电话:617-943-6661 或发短信,谢谢
Brookline Chinese Japanese restaurant is looking for a waiter/waitress and host. Experience is required. Interested candidate please call or text 617-943-6661. Thanks.
日餐铁板请:full time 企台和礼拜5.6企台,sushi 师傅,礼拜 5、6洗碗。Quincy有车接送,有意请电:617-750-5058.
Japanese Steakhouse restaurant is hiring full time waiter/waitress and sushi master, and part-time waiter/waitress and dishwasher working on Friday and Saturdays. Commute to/from Quincy is available. Please contact 617-750-5058.
Andover 中餐舘诚请 全时工作人员一名,负责收银,帶位及接電話。有意者可text 或電話:9786976101. 謝謝!
Andover Chinese restaurant is sincerely seeking a full time cashier / receptionist. Interested candidate please text or call: 917-536-8557. Thanks!
剑桥大型旺店诚招全职或兼职分菜打包,抓码,头台,炒锅,洗碗,切菜杂各类后厨工作人员,包括餐厅收台清洁工和分菜递餐员。不需要懂英文,工资待遇优厚,近红线地铁站,交通方便,工作稳定,环境卫生,同事和睦,有意者联系: Ken,电话5105177375,电话无人接听时麻烦发信息,谢谢!
同时招聘全职或兼职前厅经理,薪酬优福利好; 全职或兼职前台收银接待,调酒师, 企台,分菜递餐员,底薪优小费高,要求基本餐馆英语沟通能力。有意者請联系或短信餐館经理: Lee,电话 617-319-8647, 也欢迎直接发求职邮件到 careers@sumiaohunan.com.
A Full service Chinese restaurant in Cambridge sincerely recruits full-time or part-time kitchen staff, including:
- Meat and Veggie Prep
- Dishwasher
- Food packer and expeditor
- Wok Chef / sous chef
- Line cooker
- Food Portion Prep
No need to understand English, good salary, walk to the Red Line subway station, convenient transportation, stable job, friendly and clean working environment. If you are interested, please contact Ken at 5105177375. Please send a message when the phone is unanswered. Thank you!
At the same time, we also recruit full-time or part-time floor manager with good salaries and benefits; full-time or part-time front desk cashier / reception specialist, bartenders, busser, food runner / expeditor. high basic hourly pay rate with very good tip, and benefits. Requiring basic restaurant English communication skills. If you are interested, please contact Lee, the restaurant manager, at 617-319-8647. You are also welcome to send a job email directly to careers@sumiaohunan.com.
Chinatown 唐人街中餐馆诚请 炒锅师傅,意者请电: 7812981452,谢谢
波士顿南边全日餐,离 Quincy 半个小时不到,请 full time 和 part time 企枱以及前台接电话。意者请电: 8605341618
Maui Restaurant in Brockton is looking for Waiters and waitresses and Cooks/Chefs. If interested please contact Lisa Wong at 617-240-5168
Kowloon Restaurant in Saugus is looking for Cooks/Chef, Waiters/Waitresses and Delivery Driver. Contact person: John Chang 617-407-0183 (Chinese, English and Spanish speaking), Bob Wong 617-548-4201 (English speaking)