MRA Offers Special Discount to MARA Members
Dear Massachusetts, Asian Restaurant Association Members,
At the Massachusetts Restaurant Association, we have the tagline that; “Together We Win” and in the spirit of this inclusion and collaboration we extend the offer to any active member of the MARA to join the MRA for the Annual Dues of $200.
We believe that incorporating you into the benefits of the MRA strengthens the combined voice of the restaurant and hospitality business in Massachusetts. Your MRA Membership also opens your access and influence of Government Affairs, Education, Information, Member Value Program and Networking events.
We hope that you see the value that a combined Membership has to offer. We have attached some information on what we do and the Endorsed Partnerships and Member Value Programs the MRA has to offer. But more importantly, with you as an MRA Member, “Together We Win!”
For more information on the MRA or to become a member of the MRA, please reach out to:
Sharon Driscoll
Member Services Manager Boston and South Shore
Email -
Cell - 617-529-1726
我们麻州餐饮协会(MRA) 的口号是 “携手共赢”。本着这种包容与协作的精神,凡愿意加入麻州餐饮协会的麻州亚裔餐饮协会(MARA) 会员,我们乐意提供$200 的特别优惠年费。
我们深信,你们的参与将有益于增强 MRA 代表麻州餐饮酒店业的联合话语权。 同时,拥有 MRA 会员的资格,将为你开放各种渠道,帮助你了解和影响政府事务、教育和信息, 享受会员超值福利, 更多社交平台和合作机会。
我们希望你能认同 MRA 与 MARA 联合会员的价值所在。 在此附上一些信息, 以便你进一步介绍我们所做工作,推荐的合作关系以及会员超值福利。 更重要的是,只有你成为 MRA 会员,我们才能实现携手共赢!
如果你想要了解有关 MRA 或 MRA 会员的更多信息,请联系:
Sharon Driscoll
Email -
Cell - 617-529-1726
Kerry Miller
Vice President Operations
The Massachusetts Restaurant Association