Member Benefits
Why you should join Massachusetts Asian Restaurant Association with a joint membership of Massachusetts Restaurant Association?
1. Information: We prove the most relevant information in the restaurant industry want to receive. Our members are able to get the accurate and prompt information about the issues you need to know for the food industrial, from “On the Table” monthly newsletter to ongoing political action updates, covers everything news and information worthy in the State. Better information means you can make better decisions that affect your business.
2. Advocacy: By our joint membership with MRA, you are supported in Government Affairs by a powerful team of advocates with an impressive reputation at The State House. You also gain a personal voice in Government, ensuring your business interests are heard.
3. Public relations: We want an association to actively market to the general public and government regulators on a regular and consistent basis regarding the scope and benefits of the restaurant business, and to counter any negative press that may harm the business imagines.
4. Expansion of opportunities: By investing in research and building alliances, an association can open new doors for our business and help our members’ business grow.
5. Professional development: To develop the restaurant leadership of the future. Through partnering with MRA, our members can access the Education Foundation MRAEF, its ProStart Program, the Education Series, and MRAEF Scholarships. Our members can learn straight from the masters and get best training.
6. Buying powers: Our joint membership will help our members with best in class products and services often at discounted prices only for MRA Members. It can help the individual restaurant owners reduce their costs of operations.
7. Networking and marketing: Association and MRA will work together to create the networking and marketing opportunities for our members. With the associations' websites and social media, members are able to increase their networking and marketing within the two associations.
会员福利:为什么成为麻州亚裔餐饮协会(MARA)-麻州餐饮协会(MRA) 联合会员?
信息获取: 我们将对餐饮业有重要影响的信息传递给我们的会员,使他们及时准确地了解食品行业相关问题。从"On The Table" 每月通讯到即时政治活动动态,我们的信息涵盖一切麻州新闻和有价值的信息。掌握更好的信息意味着您可以对生意发展做出更好的决策。
对外发声: 借助MARA- MRA联合会员,您在政府事务方面得到在州议会享有很高声誉团队的有力支持 。 您可以作为个体向政府部门发声,以确保您的商业利益得到倾听。
公共关系: 协会定期积极地向公众和政府监管机构宣传推广餐饮业的独特需求和视角,并抵制任何可能损害餐饮业形象的负面新闻。
专业发展: MARA致力于培养未来的餐饮业领导。通过与MRA合作,我们的会员有机会进入 MRAEF教育基金会的ProStart 计划,其教育系列, 以及申请MRAEF 奖学金。我们的会员可以直接向大师学习获得最好的培训。
降低成本: 联合会员计划帮助会员以优惠价格获得一流的产品与服务,这一优势可以帮助独立餐馆业主降低运营成本。
网络营销:MARA和MRA将共同努力,为我们的会员创造网络联谊与营销机会。借助网站和社交媒体,会员可以通过 MARA和 MRA两个协会建立网络与增加营销。